Imparting Moral, Spiritual, Educational, Economic and Social Values to Life by making the world aware of God the Creator of the universe.

What people say about SIM
History of Springs International
Springs International Ministries was started in 1995 in Houston with the aim of Mission, Music and Ministry to reach out to people with the Gospel and train people for leadership. The SIM has conducted several public programs among Indian community sponsoring musical programs by Heartbeats, Springs Of Life Arts and Music, Great American Jazz band, Andre Kole Magic show etc which were attended by hundreds of people. SIM also started the DIVINE HEARTBEATS RADIO program in 2010-2013. SIM also conducted EASTER EVE program from 2014 during Easter time. 2017 God gave the plan of Mission 2030 that we focus on now.
Springs International Ministries (SIM) conduct various retreats and training sessions. My wife Valsa and I joined SIM in 2017 as Director for retreats, after retiring from service in from Campus Crusade for Christ in India for 40 years. SIM uses study materials produced by SIM, Campus Crusade and other Major organizations to train people in leadership in Mission and Evangelism. SIM also take leadership in Saturate USA project of Christ for all peoples and distribute the Jesus Film DVD and tracts to selected neighborhoods and introduces the Mission 2030 Saturate USA project to any Church or individual Christians who is interested and willing to cooperate in Missions by giving the presentation and supplying the materials. I enjoyed working with SIM.
Association with SIM and Neighborhood Saturation
I had the privilege of associating with Springs of Life Arts and Music and SIM for a long time. My Children studied in the Music School and learned to sing and play Musical instruments and perform in public. Mr. Ravi Varughese was the Director of Music School and also Choir Director for St. Thomas CSI Church where I was also a Choir member. The Easter Eve Program was a novel idea to keep the passion feel going on even on the Saturday after Good Friday where SIM introduced the question answer & discussion time on “WHERE WAS JESUS ON SATURDAY AND OTHER THINGS SURROUNDING THE INCIDENT”. I could participate in packing the materials and distributing in our neighborhood as part of Mission 2030 Houston. I encourage all Christians to join the Mission.
Neighborhood Outreach Mission- Theme